To be extremely confident, Barna told it straight out.


Maybe, as he said, this is not self-confidence or calculating gods.
On the contrary, the reincarnation of this holy man finally exudes awe and gratitude to the gods from the depths of his soul.
He knows that his thinking level is already higher than that of today’s era, but he knows deeply that all his gods are worthless.
Ordinary people find themselves, but the gods can
The foreign continent is extremely powerful. Bonneville’s yellow mainland is not worthy of the name. Isn’t Columbia a mortal chosen by the gods?
I will not be selected by the gods with a small probability, but I will be watched by the gods with a high probability.
I can help the gods do what others can do, and I can also push the world process forward for hundreds of years.
Not to mention the special status …
It may be a matter of time before all the gods come to the door
The only thing that Barna is worried about is that if the door comes to him instead of the truth God, he will try his best to serve himself, and then he should answer.
Barna’s words made the Buddha silent for a while before saying, "You are outstanding enough and cautious enough. Presumably, the female pope on the mainland has already been overwhelmed by you in the dark."
Barna shook her head and smiled. "That’s not enough to make me proud. It’s not that I deliberately want to do this, but that woman wants to control the yellow mainland economically, and this is the starting point of my body and the destination of my soul. I don’t want her to do this."
The Buddha doesn’t know anything. If he goes to communicate with this person in front of him, he wants to say that he is conceited, but he is not complacent at all, and he is not proud of secretly guiding the world.
Everything is taken for granted. It seems that you can’t be a world guide. That’s the abnormal thing.
The Buddha suddenly changed the subject and said, "I dreamed yesterday and today the world will change. The things in my dream are so real that I can’t tell the reality of my dream."
Barna became interested in her familiar and trusted servant and asked, "Tell me what you dreamed."
Buddha looked at the warm sunshine outside the window and said, "I saw a gate suddenly appeared in the sky, and many metal creations flew out of the door. Those things spewed unknown flames and contained some creatures that did not belong to this continent."
The world has turned a new page today. After human panic, they quickly made contact, only to find that those creatures were mercenary.
They came with curiosity, and when they found that we had no resistance, they coveted all the resources of this planet.
Only when we are United can we force those creatures to compete. They are also afraid of death, and only when they see our fists can we seek peaceful development.
By the way, he said that they came from other planets, and those flying things were called spaceships, and the things projected from spaceships were enough to destroy a kingdom.
You may be interested in the spacecraft they control, so I’ll tell you. "
I turned my head to look at Barna and saw this man who should have everything under control, but he fell into a dull mood.
I’m not familiar with others, but he’s already turned white.
Only those who are familiar with him know that dull Barna is the scariest thing.
According to himself, his state is temporarily abandoning common sense and deeper consciousness to think.
When Barna came to her senses, she immediately asked, "You said … they said … they came from another planet?"
The Buddha nodded faintly. "It’s all so real in my dream that I can remember it vividly."
Barna muttered, "I … seem to remember something … I have seen the so-called alien planet? Yes, if the star is really as big as I thought, if there are vast stars and intelligent creatures in this vast expanse, then we should be as lonely as we are.
You said that the spaceship should be made by them, flying technology, and what you said could destroy a kingdom should be more sophisticated and advanced bombs …
But you can remember these details so clearly and it’s in line with my guess … It’s a dream? Did a god appear in the dream? "
If the Buddha dreamed of alien invasion and the warning of the truth god, then Barnabas can believe that this is the inspiration given to himself by the God through the mouth of the Buddha.
If there is no such absurd thing, even if we deeply believe that the vast stars in the vast universe are not alone, Barna will be dubious
The Buddha thought for a moment and added, "There are no gods to give me direct inspiration, but I also saw that even if the other side has weapons that can easily destroy the kingdom, they dare not put them in our polis."
"What?" Barna asked.
"Because there is a Vatican in the city-state and the Vatican worships gods," said the Buddha.
Barna frowned and thought, "You mean even alien visitors fear our gods? This ….. seems to be in line with my cognition but what is in line with … "
Barna racked her brains to know what she really knew, but some things were hidden too deep, and he had already remembered them.
Etcurie once took him on a voyage to the cosmic stars, and he saw that the vast planet in front of the gods was just held at will like a jewel in a jewelry store.
If there are traces of gods on other planets, or if they are smart enough to discover the magical power worshipped by the vast stars, it is real and absolutely magnificent.

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